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  1. 0.001g
  2. 0.01g
  3. 0.05g
  4. 0.1g
  5. 0.5g
  6. 1g
  7. 2g
  8. 5g
  9. 10g
  10. 15g
  11. 50g
  12. 100g
  13. 150g
  14. 200g
  15. 250g
  16. 300g
  17. 400g
  18. 500g
  19. 1Kg

Calibration & Test Weights

We stock a wide range of calibration weights for all of your needs ranging from M1 to M3, E1-E2, and F1-F2 weights. We stock the full range of test weights for routine accuracy testing and calibration. Our fully stocked range includes stainless steel, brass, iron bar, and hexagonal test weights in all sizes. Supplied in tubular screw-top cases, individually or as a full set. ISO calibration certificates are available upon request.

M3 Calibration Weights

M3 Calibration Weights Capacities from 200g to 20Kg

F1 Calibration Weights

F1 Calibration weights are precision weights used to calibrate high-precision weighing equipment in laboratory, industri