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  1. On Sale 6 items
  1. 4kg
  2. 8kg
  3. 16kg
  4. 20kg
  5. 25kg
  6. 30kg
  7. 32kg
  8. 48kg
  9. 50kg
  10. 60kg
  11. 100kg
  12. 120kg
  13. 150kg
  14. 200kg
  15. 300kg
  16. 1500kg
  17. 2000kg
  18. 3000kg
  19. 5000kg
  20. 1000kg to 5000kg
  21. 6Kg x 2g
  22. 15Kg x 5g
  23. 30Kg x 10g
  24. 60Kg x 20g
  25. 50Kg x 10g
  26. 300Kg x 100g
  27. 500Kg x 0.2Kg
  28. 1000Kg x 0.5Kg
  29. 1000Kg x 1Kg
  30. 2000Kg x 0.5Kg
  31. 300Kg/600Kg/1500Kg x 0.1Kg/0.2Kg/0.5Kg
  32. 2000Kg x 1Kg
  33. 3000Kg x 1Kg
  34. 5000Kg x 2Kg
  35. 10000Kg x 10Kg
  36. 1500Kg/3000Kg/6000Kg x 0.5Kg/1Kg/2Kg
  37. 3000Kg/6000Kg/9500Kg x 1Kg/2Kg/5Kg
  38. 6000Kg x 2Kg EC Approved
  39. 1500Kg x 0.5Kg EC Trade Approved
  40. 6kg/15kg;15kg/30kg & 2g/5g;5g/10g
  41. 9000Kg x 5Kg EC Trade Approved
  42. Multiple / Dual Capacity
  43. 1.5kg x 0.2kg
  44. 3kg x 0.5g
  45. 6kg x 1g
  46. 15kg x 2g
  47. 25kg x 5g
  48. 1.5kg x 0.5g Trade Approved
  49. 3kg x 1g Trade Approved
  50. 6kg x 2g Trade Approved
  51. 15kg x 5g Trade Approved
  52. 25kg x 10g Trade Approved
  53. 3kg x 1g
  54. 6/15kg
  55. 15/35kg
  56. 30/60kg
  57. 60/150kg
  58. 150/300kg
  59. 15kg x 20g
  60. 50kg x 50g
  61. 50kg x 100g
  62. 1000Kg x 0.2Kg
  1. 0.005g
  2. 0.001g
  3. 0.01g
  4. 0.05g
  5. 0.1g
  6. 0.2g
  7. 0.5g
  8. 1g
  9. 2g
  10. 5g
  11. 10g
  12. 15g
  13. 20g
  14. 50g
  15. 100g
  16. 150g
  17. 200g
  18. 500g
  19. 550g
  20. 1000g
  21. 1Kg
  22. 2Kg
  23. 5Kg
  24. 10Kg
  1. Weight 1 item
Best Seller
  1. Best Seller
Platform Size
  1. 295mm x 225mm
  2. 355mm x 305mm
  3. 550mm x 420mm
  4. 620mm x 350mm
  5. 630mm x 400mm
  6. 650mm x 500mm
  7. 715mm x 410mm
  8. 900mm x 500mm
  9. 1000mm x 1000mm
  10. 1500mm x 1500mm
  11. 2000mm x 2000mm
  1. Aclas
  2. Dini Argeo
  3. Helmac
  4. Kern
  5. Adam Equipment
  6. Baxtran
  7. Excell
  8. Lift-It
  9. Locosc
  10. Marsden
  11. Measuretek
  12. Ohaus
  13. Scalix by ATP
  14. Suofei
Trade Approved
  1. Yes 28 items

Industrial Scales

Accurate and durable industrial scales and solutions for use in factories, depots, and warehouses. Easy to operate and manoeuvre, helping to reduce costs and increase efficiency. U-frame & dual pallet beams are available to simplify the weighing of palletised items.

We can offer a carefully coordinated range of affordable entry-level models, through to practical built-in solutions up to the top-level verified models made from carbon steel with top quality weights and measures approved load cells.

All capacities from 500kg to 5000kg and base variations including weigh beams, u-frame pallet weighers and ramps are available from stock.

Contact us today for more information and availability. 

Axle / Vehicle Weigh Pads

Axle Pads are ideal for weighing commercial vehicles.

Bench Scales

All of our bench scales are all designed to operate from mains, with battery or rechargeable battery operation.

Platform Scales

Platform Scales

Powered Pallet Trucks

Our powered pallet trucks are heavy-duty, ergonomic, and operator-friendly material handling equipment designed to handl

Pallet Truck Weighers

These pallet truck scales have a maximum capacity of 2000kg, so they are perfectly suited for weighing the majority of

Weigh Beams

Accurate and durable Weigh Beam Scales for use in factories, depots, and warehouses

Warehouse Solutions

Our extensive range of industrial weighing equipment includes parcel scales, platform scales, pallet truck weighers, U-f

Weighing Indicators

Our extensive range of industrial weighing equipment includes parcel scales, platform scales, pallet truck weighers, U-f

Not Sure Which Approved Scale is Right For You? 

Fill out the Request A Quote Form below and we will contact you to discuss your requirements.