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  1. New 4 items
Special Offers
  1. On Sale 1 item
  1. 110g
  2. 120g
  3. 15Kg
  4. 20kg
  5. 50kg
  6. 60kg
  7. 200kg
  8. 250kg
  9. 300kg
  10. 200g x 0.01g
  11. 3Kg x 1g
  12. 300Kg x 100g
  13. 6kg/15kg;15kg/30kg & 2g/5g;5g/10g
  14. Multiple / Dual Capacity
  15. 3kg x 0.5g
  16. 6kg x 1g
  17. 15kg x 2g
  18. 3kg x 1g Trade Approved
  19. 6kg x 2g Trade Approved
  20. 15kg x 5g Trade Approved
  21. 2kg x 0.1g
  22. 500g x 0.1g
  23. 400g x 0.01g
  24. 3200g x 0.01g
  25. 4kg x 0.1g
  26. 320g x 0.001g
  27. 4200g x 0.1g
  28. 6200g x 0.01g
  29. 620g x 0.001g
  30. EX125M 120g x 0.01mg
  31. EX225/AD 220g x 0.01mg
  32. EX125DM 51g/120g x 0.01mg/0.1mg
  33. EX225D 120g/220g x 0.01mg/0.1mg
  34. EX225D/AD 120g/220g x 0.01mg/0.1mg
  35. EX225DM 120g/220g x 0.01mg/0.1mg
  36. EX225DM/AD 120g/220g x 0.01mg/0.1mg
  37. EX225M/AD 220g x 0.01mg
  38. EX125D 51g/120g x 0.01mg/0.1mg
  39. EX125 120g x 0.01mg
  40. 3 kg / 6 kg Platform 305 x 305
  41. 6 kg / 15 kg Platform 305 x 305
  42. 6 kg / 15 kg Platform 400 x 400
  43. 15 kg / 30 kg Platform 400 x 400
  44. 30 kg / 60 kg Platform 400 x 400
  45. 30 kg / 60 kg Platform 500 x 500
  46. 60 kg / 150 kg Platform 500 x 500
  47. 30 kg / 60 kg Platform 610 x 610
  48. 60 kg / 150 kg Platform 610 x 610
  49. 150 kg / 300 kg Platform 610 x 610
  50. 60 kg / 150 kg Platform 800 x 600
  51. 150 kg / 300 kg Platform 800 x 600
  52. 300 kg / 600 kg Platform 800 x 600
  53. 3kg Platform 250 X 250
  54. 6kg Platform 250 X 250
  55. 15kg Platform 300 X 300
  56. 30kg Platform 300 X 300
  57. 60kg Platform 500 X 400
  58. 150kg Platform 500 X 400
  59. 30kg x 5g
  60. 30kg x 10g Trade Approved
  61. 3kg x 0.5g IP65 Rated
  62. 6kg x 1g IP65 Rated
  63. 300g x 0.1g IP65 Rated
  64. 6/15kg
  1. 0.00001g
  2. 0.0001g
  3. 0.001g
  4. 0.01g
  5. 0.05g
  6. 0.1g
  7. 0.2g
  8. 0.5g
  9. 1g
  10. 2g
  11. 5g
  12. 10g
  13. 15g
  14. 50g
  15. 100g
  16. 200g
Best Seller
  1. Best Seller
Platform Size
  1. 355mm x 305mm
  2. 550mm x 420mm
  3. 650mm x 500mm
  1. Aclas
  2. Dini Argeo
  3. Helmac
  4. Kern
  5. Radwag
  6. Salter Homedics
  7. Seca
  8. Adam Equipment
  9. Baxtran
  10. Locosc
  11. Marsden
  12. Measuretek
  13. Ohaus
  14. Safescan
  15. Scalix by ATP
  16. Suofei
  17. Valueweigh
Trade Approved
  1. Yes 63 items


Aclas are leading manufacturer of retail scales including self-service, cash registers, touch screen POS, & label printi

Adam Equipment

Adam Equipment is a leading, ISO9001:2015 manufacturer of professional analytical & precision balances, weighing scales.


High quality laboratory, retail, industrial & educational balances from Baxtran.