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  1. Division
  2. Platform Size
    295mm x 225mm
  3. Platform Size
    1000mm x 1000mm
Shopping Options
  1. 0.05g
  2. 0.1g
  3. 0.2g
  4. 1g
  5. 2g
  6. 5g
  7. 10g
  8. 200g
  9. 500g
  10. 1000g
  11. 1Kg
  12. 2Kg
Platform Size
  1. 295mm x 225mm
  2. 1000mm x 1000mm


Aclas are leading manufacturer of retail scales including self-service, cash registers, touch screen POS, & label printi

Adam Equipment

Adam Equipment is a leading, ISO9001:2015 manufacturer of professional analytical & precision balances, weighing scales.


High quality laboratory, retail, industrial & educational balances from Baxtran.